Hourly to Annual Salary Calculator

What is the annual income?

Convert hourly to annual salary

Converting an hourly wage to a salary is useful for job hunters and employers alike. This calculator makes it easy to estimate an equivalent annual salary based on hourly pay.

Simply input your hourly rate and the average number of hours worked per week. The calculator will automatically determine the resulting yearly salary. Results are based on a 52 week year with no overtime.

For job seekers, knowing your hourly rate's salary equivalent allows you to compare compensation packages and determine if a salaried position is truly offering better pay. For businesses hiring, converting hourly wages into annual salaries helps ensure fair compensation when transitioning employees from hourly to salaried roles.

This tool provides a quick and easy way to make an apples-to-apples comparison between hourly and salaried compensation. By converting the pay rates, you can better understand the value of the total remuneration being offered. This allows both workers and managers to make informed decisions when negotiating pay and benefits.